Rebecca Young
Member Services,
Cardio, Strength & Core
Fitness Background:
I have always had Health & Wellness/Fitness as a core aspect of my life. My mother taught us what good, real food was from an early age and I was always involved in some sort of sport (or multiple) through High School and continued on in various fitness groups after school. After having my first child, I had the pleasure of meeting Alli Phillips! She helped show me how to keep fitness and health a focus in my life as well as demonstrate it to my children. I am forever grateful for “Backyard Fitness."
What Led Me to iGnite:
I started iGnite with a Swim Technique class led by Sha. I heard about it from Alli Phillips. I was signed up with friends to do my first triathlon and thought it might be good if I had some sort of basic training in swimming… Ha! I fell in love with Sha and all of the swimmers and eventually started taking some of the other classes.
I think I can,
I think I can!
My Teaching Philosophy:
My teaching philosophy is mostly about having fun. If you are having fun, time goes by quicker, you are more motivated to keep working hard, and most importantly, you want to keep coming back. Smiling is much prettier than frowning!
My roots are firmly planted here in Austin TX. My mother grew up here too and while I know there are many amazing places to live on this great Earth, I am truly thankful to have this be my daily playground.

When I’m Not Working I'm…
“Working" hard at having a lot of fun… so I’m always “working". Ha. Surfing, floating, hanging with friends, dancing… I love being outdoors!
Life-Changing Experience:
Selling books door to door to pay for college - 4 summers. That’s a long story for another day.
I’m inspired by every iGnite leader and member really. I love the fact that this group of women is FULL of amazing people. Seeing what we can motivate each other to accomplish is powerful.

Something People May Not Know About Me:
All of my family has a birthday on the 6th of the month, 3 months apart. I’m February, my son Austin is May, my husband Russell is August, and my son Isaac is November…. So there is no way we could have had another child, it would have messed it all up! Ha!
The Best Advice I’ve Been Given:
“Even if you don’t think you are a leader, People are always watching. Make sure what you say and what you do is what you want them to see/hear and think about you."
My Favorite Thing To Do For Fun:
Spending time with family and friends around an amazing table of food and drink. (That I didn’t prepare or clean up after preferably!)