We know you want to feel and be your very best in 2023 and create even more beautiful moments and unforgettable memories! We also know that a goal like this doesn’t happen just because we wish or want it to. Creating and being your personal best requires the following:
A willingness and desire to invest time in yourself.We believe when the body, mind and spirit are nurtured, we WIN! This is why we’re offering 3 ways to create your personal best in 2023!
Thoughtfulness and intention-- consider what exactly your personal best is and what it looks like, to you.
A clearly defined “why”- why is this important to you?
A Plan - how will you make this happen?
A commitment for continued action!
We believe when the body, mind and spirit are nurtured, we WIN! This is why we want you joining us in this Personal Best Class Adventure!
Date: January 23- March 12, 2023
Choose Your Personal Best Goal: With everyone’s personal best being different, we want you choosing your personal best class attendance goal! And, because goals naturally require change, friction and resistance (meaning they shouldn’t be easy), we want you choosing a goal that’s achievable, but will also take added effort and determination to accomplish. IMPORTANT: You must set a goal of at least 21 classes (that’s an average of 3 classes per week). We think this is the minimum amount of awesome iGnite endorphins you need to feel and experience your personal best!
Set a higher/loftier goal so you can achieve your personal best! Ask yourself these questions:
What do I need more of?
What class # will challenge me and require added effort and determination? (This may require some thought and maybe some rearranging of your calendar.)
Plan Out Your Classes. Input the classes you plan to attend/take in your calendar and book the live and in person ones each week (we’ll even send you a special tracking calendar so you can physically write them down).
Why Adventure? An adventure is defined as "an exciting experience or activity" and pursuing and experiencing your PB is exciting!
Call to Action: By Sunday, Jan 22, 2023 email us at hello@igniteyourlifenow.com and let us know this: My Personal Best Starts Today!
The Prize: Feeling your personal best, plus an #iGnitingMyLife Tote