Summer 2021 is coming to an end and before you turn to the next chapter, we think it's important to do a summer look back--a scroll through your photos and empty yet full calendar and give a shout out--an acknowledgement of gratitude and "thank you" to the summer 2021 season, as there was and is so much to be grateful for! In fact, as you scroll the past 3 months, we think you'll be surprised (as we were!) by all you did, experienced and are grateful for.
Our team has kicked-off the "Thank You Summer" gratitude exercise, starting with San Diego Class Leader Rory Smith (shown above with her family).
Rory- "I am so grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with my parents (and siblings and their families) on Nantucket after 18 long months. Summer travel and time with family -- which we used to take for granted--felt much more special. Seeing my kids with their cousins made my heart happy."

Amy- I am grateful for simple pleasures and lots of quality time with friends and family this summer….. especially this little guy!!!

Betty- I am grateful for:
Summer loving had me a blast.
Skimmer boarding I was so fast.
Led a parade with my Baton.
In Idaho the sun was turned on.
Subbed iGnite classes so fun oh oh the summer days.
We want more, we want more…

Sarah- Without a doubt I'm most grateful for lake time summer memories. There is nothing better than sunny days boating with friends, playing in the lake, and watching beautiful lake sunsets! One thing I especially love about summer and is probably the reason why God made me Texan is that I really love how the hot sun feels in my skin when I walk outside after being in air conditioning. I long for that all winter! I am truly a tank top and flip flops kind of girl! All that being said, the part about playing with friends is the real key to my sweet summer memories. I can't pick a favorite friend so I will just send a picture of me in the water. Thanks to iGnite I have water sports skills that I never knew I had! I L💜VE iGnite!

Jill - I am grateful for Zip lining on the Summer Adventure Escape, letting go of all the stressors in my life and embracing pure joy!
I am also grateful for the house we rented in Methow Valley Washington, spending quality time with my family with no distractions and waking up to the most amazing view every morning.

Crystal- This summer brought a new level of gratitude and presence for me and my family. We will never take good health for granted, and we will cherish every family moment.

Rebecca- I’m grateful for the rain! This summer was unusually “cool” and wet! It was so nice to see Lake Travis come UP instead of a constant retreat!

Alli- Our annual summer Florida vacation! I am so grateful for this precious time with my kids in our “happy place.” …My most cherished childhood memories are here. And some of my kids’ happiest memories with their dad are here too.

Neissa- I am grateful for our family vacation--amongst many other things--there's so much! For a variety of reasons we haven't had a family vacation for many years and in August we headed to Big Cedar Lodge in Missouri where we fished, swam, biked, spent time in and on the lake and simply enjoyed time together and in nature.