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Member Spotlight: Meet Austin Member, Talley Williams!

Writer's picture: neissa@igniteyourlifenow.neissa@igniteyourlifenow.

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

iGnite IS our members! They make us what we are, which is why we LOVE spotlighting them! Meet Austin Member, Talley Williams. If there's one thing Talley loves, it's dancing on Tuesdays with the Dance Fit crew in Austin! And if there's one thing we love about Talley, it's her willingness to jump into the extra fun iGnite offers like bike rides and member lunches! Of course her sense of humor and laugh are hard to beat too, so let's get to know Talley!

How long have you been a member?

I think it's been 7 years?!?

Where do you live and how do you iGnite?

I live in Austin, and iGnite At Home & in person.

Where did you grow up?

Brownfield, Texas.

How did you become a part of iGnite?

I work with Betty and she invited me to her dance class.

Favorite exercise song?

Anything upbeat, right now I’m loving Ed Sheeran’s song Bad Habits

Favorite word?

I have never really thought about this, but I guess I’d have to say JOY!

What’s something about you we'd be surprised to learn?

I was valedictorian of my High School.

What class do you most look forward to and why?

Betty's Dance Fit!

Betty makes the class so upbeat and fun, plus you get an amazing workout at the same time!

And, I love all of the ladies that attend that class - they make it even more fun!

Who’s your biggest motivator and what do they do for you?

My grandmother, Gigi!

Gigi is 95 and is always there to give me advice and encouragement. She's seen just about everything in her lifetime and has a LOT of experience - I love hearing all of her stories and I hope I'm half as spry as she is at her age.

She still does water aerobics and exercises regularly.

What do you usually do right after class?

Get ready as fast as I can and head into work.

What's been your favorite job and do you still do it?

My job, commercial real estate attorney, is very time consuming and stressful, but I really enjoy it. I've been practicing now for over 20 years. I love getting to help clients see their projects come to life. Most days I feel more like a problem solver/business advisor than an attorney.

What's saving you right now?

Exercise with iGnite and my relationships with friends & family.

What do you mutter during burpees?

You don’t want to know!

What do you love most about iGnite?

The community of awesome women!


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