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Member Spotlight: Meet At Home Member, Kendall Marquardt!

Writer's picture: neissa@igniteyourlifenow.neissa@igniteyourlifenow.

iGnite IS our members! They make us what we are, which is why we LOVE spotlighting them! This week, we invite you to meet At Home Member, Kendall Marquardt! Kendall is one of our many COVID blessings, as she began consistently iGniting with us during COVID...and now we see her 3-4 times each week! One of the many things we love about Kendall is her kind and encouraging spirit...and to see how she has fully embraced the roll of being a step mom. She is phenomenal!

How long have you been a member?

2 years

Where do you live and how do you iGnite?

Dripping Springs, Texas and I iGnite at Home!

Most favorite word?


Where did you grow up?

San Antonio, Texas

How did you become a part of iGnite?

Kathleen Parker, one of iGnite's amazing Class Leaders in Austin, is my aunt. She loves iGnite and loves getting her family involved in iGnite's fun and healthy way of living

What do you do right after class?

Treat myself to more coffee, shower, and blend up a green smoothie!

Who’s your biggest motivator and what do they do for you?

Neissa!! She is always cheering me on during the workout and talks us through it. It is so impressive to me! And the weekly emails always hit home for me and get me ready to go!

Also my husband: he is so supportive in helping me grow my business and so patient with me figuring out this whole stepmom thing!

What class do you most look forward to and why?

Fire and flow!! I love the focused-level muscle burn!! and my posture always feels great after abs, butt, and hamstring workouts!

What’s something about you that we’d be surprised to learn?

I make homemade butter cookies and eat them EVERY DAY.

What's been your favorite job and do you still do it?

Owning my own salon! Yes - it's been a recent career move to starting my own business and it has made me so happy and proud. (Check out Kendall's new salon!

What do you mutter while doing burpees?

pushup, sprawl, jump, pushup, sprawl, jump

What’s saving you right now?

iGnite At Home classes and my Bible Study. Both in tandem help to ground me and give me a clear and peaceful foundation for every day.

What do you love most about iGnite?

I get to workout with my mom! It sets my whole day and week in the right direction. Seeing Mom is the best because with phone calls our schedules don't always connect. My 3 step kids take a lot of time and getting to see Mom several times a week makes me very happy.

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