We have some incredible iGnite leaders! They come at fitness from different backgrounds, are at different places in their lives, and have different strengths (pun intended), but all share our passion for providing an encouraging, inspiring, and empowering health and fitness community for women. This week, let's meet Molly!

What's your pre or post workout breakfast?
Green juice from Whole Foods!
Favorite exercise song?
At the moment…Til You Can’t by Cody Johnson!
Favorite word?

What do you usually do right after class?
Tend to my children :)
Who's your biggest motivator or cheerleader?
My husband! He loves me and our children so well, works hard to provide for our family and helps a lot with the kids when he gets home from work.

What's one thing you make sure to do each night?
Skin care routine!
What's your go-to meal you don't need a recipe for?
Salmon, broccoli and potatoes
What's saving you right now (seriously or humorously)?
Seriously - God!
Humorously - wine, a nap and girlfriends!
What do you mutter while doing burpees?

What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you?
I don’t have a sense of smell, and I really do not like 95% of sweets.
Who's your favorite thing about iGnite?
The sweet friends (Kathy and Corrinne) I’ve made who I still keep up with who love me and my kids like their own!