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35-Minute No Impact Inner Thigh Workout with Tricep Sculpt

Founder, Neissa Springmann, performing inner thigh and tricep exercises

Sculpt and tone your inner thighs and triceps in this 35-minute, no-impact workout! Using a Pilates ball and 5 pound sculpting weights, this class targets these specific muscle groups with precise, controlled movements to give you that deep, satisfying burn—without any impact on your joints. Whether you're looking to sculpt or tone, this session will help you build lean strength while improving muscle endurance. Perfect for all fitness levels!

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Why Target the Inner Thighs Separately?

While most women, myself included, love inner thigh exercises for their aesthetic benefits, targeting the inner thighs for strength and toning offers many additional advantages, such as:

  1. Balance & Development: The inner thighs are often underworked compared to other leg muscles like the quadriceps and hamstrings. Targeting them separately ensures that they get the attention needed for balanced leg development.

  2. Functional Fitness: Strong inner thighs help with everyday movements, like walking, squatting, and climbing stairs. By isolating them, you create a more well-rounded lower-body workout routine.

  3. Posture and Alignment: Many people experience misalignment in their legs or hips due to underdeveloped inner thigh muscles. Strengthening this area helps with proper posture and movement mechanics.

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Why Target the Triceps Separately?

Like inner thighs, most women want to work out their triceps to achieve firm and toned arms; however, the benefits of exercising your triceps go beyond aesthetics. Having strong triceps helps with the following:

  1. Prevents Muscle Imbalance- Many people focus heavily on biceps exercises, but neglecting the triceps can lead to muscle imbalances in the arms. This imbalance not only affects aesthetics but can also lead to injury and limited range of motion. Targeting your triceps helps maintain balanced upper-body strength and alignment.

  2. Enhances Posture- Strong triceps can contribute to better posture by supporting your shoulder stability. Weak triceps can lead to muscle imbalances that affect shoulder function, which can, in turn, impact your posture and upper-body alignment.

  3. Injury Prevention- Isolating the triceps reduces the risk of shoulder and elbow injuries by strengthening the muscles that support these joints. This is especially important in activities that require pushing or pressing motions, both in daily life and in workouts.

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Equipment for 35-Minute Inner Thigh Workout with Tricep Sculpt

Sculpting Weights

I used a pair of 5 lb dumbbells

Pilates Ball

If you don't have a Pilates Ball, folding up a pillow works great.

Click HERE for Pilates Ball and our At Home Equipment recommendations.

Workout Instructions

Your 35-Minute Inner Thigh Workout with Tricep Sculpt Workout Looks Like This:

In this class, you'll move through a series of 35-second standing plie exercises for the inner thighs, glute bridge inner thigh movements, and inner thigh exercises lying on each side. Three 1.5-minute tricep sets will be mixed in throughout.

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pink banner introducing 4 inner thigh exercises in the workout

  1. Plie´ with Straight Arm Reach

Targets: Inner thighs (adductors), quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, abdominal, obliques, deltoids, latissimus dorsi (lats/upper back), trapezius (traps)

How to Do a Plie´ with Straight Arm Reach

  1. Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, toes pointing outward at about a 45-degree angle.

  2. Hold your arms straight down in front of you, or you can place your hands on your hips if you prefer

  3. Lower into a plie´ Squat by bending your knees and lower your hips straight down, keeping your chest lifted and your core engaged.

    (Ensure your knees track over your toes as you lower.)

  4. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as far as comfortable while keeping your back straight.

  5. As you lower into the squat, simultaneously extend both arms straight overhead in a controlled motion.

  6. Keep your arms aligned with your ears, palms facing each other.

    Your shoulders should stay down (away from your ears) as you raise your arms.

  7. Hold the bottom of the plie´ for a second, squeezing your glutes and inner thighs as you maintain balance.

  8. Return to starting position by pushing through your heels to return to standing while lowering your arms back to the starting position.

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2. Glute Bridge with Adduction

Targets: Inner thighs (adductors), hamstrings, quads, glutes, hip flexors calves, adductors, core

How to Do a Glute Bridge With Adduction

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  2. Place a Pilates ball between your knees or inner thighs.

    Your arms should be resting at your sides, palms facing down.

  3. Squeeze the Pilates ball gently with your knees to engage your inner thighs (adductors).

  4. Lift the Hips by pressing through your heels and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Keep squeezing the ball as you lift, focusing on engaging your glutes and hamstrings.

  5. Lift until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

  6. Hold the raised position for a few seconds while maintaining the squeeze on the ball.

    Lower Slowly:

    Slowly lower your hips back down to the floor, keeping tension on the ball throughout.

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3. Side Lying Inner Thigh Lift

Targets: Adductors (inner thighs), obliques, quads, hip flexors.

How to Do an Side-Lying Inner Thigh Lift

  1. Lie on your side on an exercise mat. Let's assume you're lying on your right side.Your body should be in a straight line from your head

  2. Bend your left (top) leg and bring your left foot in front of your right leg. You can place your left foot flat on the floor in front of your right thigh or knee for stability. Place the inside of your left knee on top of the ball. Press the inside of your left knee into the ball

  3. Keep your right leg straight along the mat, pointing your toes slightly forward or flexed upward (whichever is more comfortable).

    Rest your right arm on the mat, using your bicep as a pillow, or bend it and rest your head in your hand. The left hand can be placed in front of you for support.

  4. Engage your core by Draw your belly button toward your spine to engage your core and maintain stability.

  5. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your right leg (the bottom leg) off the floor, keeping it straight. Lift as high as you can without shifting your hips backward or forward. The movement should come from your inner thigh.

  6. Hold the leg at the top for a moment, focusing on squeezing the inner thigh muscles.

  7. Lower slowly and inhale as you slowly lower your leg back down, maintaining control.

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4. Raised Side-Lying Straight Leg Lift

Targets: Adductors (inner thighs), obliques, glutes.

How to Do a Raised Side-Lying Straight Leg Lift

  1. Lie on your right side, propping yourself up on your right forearm. Your right elbow should be directly under your right shoulder for stability.

  2. Engage your core to maintain a straight line through your spine.

  3. Position Your Legs by bending your left leg (the back leg) and place your left foot flat on the ground in front of your right thigh or knee.

    This bent leg will help provide stability.

  4. Keep your right leg (the bottom leg) straight, with your toes pointing slightly forward or flexed upward.

  5. Engage your core and stabilize by pulling your belly button in toward your spine to engage your core and keep your body stable. Make sure your hips stay stacked (one hip directly on top of the other).

  6. Lift the straight leg and inhale, and as you exhale, lift your right leg (the straight bottom leg) upward. Focus on lifting from your outer thigh and glutes, keeping the leg straight throughout the movement.

  7. Lift to a height that feels challenging but allows you to maintain good form without shifting your hips or collapsing your torso.

  8. Hold the lifted position for a moment, squeezing the outer thigh and glute.

  9. Lower slowly and inhale as you slowly lower the leg back down, maintaining control of the movement.

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