In this enlightening and liberating podcast I spoke with executive coach and dear friend of mine and iGnite Member, Martha Lynn Mangum. Several years ago she introduced me to something called Cleaning the Slate. This is an exercise done at the end of the year that allows the time and guidance to reflect on the past twelve months and prepare yourself for the upcoming year. You may be thinking - what?!? Now?!? In the middle of the Holiday Season?!?
Yes! I cannot recommend enough that you listen to this gift of a podcast and then take the hour or two to do the exercise on your own. This dedicated time will give you so much peace and clairty and set you up for a purposeful New Year that doesn't take you by surprise.

Listen to this inspiring and informative podcast on Spotify HERE or YouTube below, and if you'd like to find out more about Martha Lynn, she can be found with Momentum Consulting or at her own coaching and consulting business at MarthaLynnMangum.com
4 Healthy Habits to Take into this Busy Season
One of the things Martha Lynn and I talked about before we even got into the discussion of Cleaning the Slate, was the things we need to consider as we head into this busy time to keep ourselves healthy. We know these because they're fundamental to iGnite, but always good for a reminder:
"Give yourself permission to say no during the holidays, not so you miss out, but so you can have the time to enjoy the things you really want to participate in."
How You End the Year Determines How You'll Begin the Next One
For many of us January is a time for recovering from the whirlwind of the holiday season. We want to set goals and consider the new year, but our brains are still regrouping. That's exactly why this completion exercise is so important BEFORE the end of the year - it sets you up for clarity come January first. Here's some recommendations for getting in the right frame of mind.
Get comfortable - fuzzy socks, comfy clothes,
Dedicate two uninterrupted hours
Use pen/pencil and paper to write down what you find, not electronic device
Consider lighting a candle to invite calm
Gather your calendar, paper or phone for photo scrolling
How to End the Year: Questions for Reflection
Key to this exercise is using factual information, not memory. Much of the time our memory isn't accurate and often isn't as positive as reality. So, you're going to use your calendar or photo library to go month by month through your year asking the questions below.
What did I accomplish? What were the things that felt good, were exciting, wins, goals met, etc.
What was hard? What were the challenges, unexpected hiccups, disappointments, etc.
What's unfinished? What did you hope to happen that didn't? Can you leave that behind and call it complete?
What is continuous? What do you want to carry over into the upcoming year and work on some more or finish?
What are you grateful for? Who are the people who stepped up, the situations that you learned from, the things that just worked out?
BONUS: Is there any communication that you need to have with someone? Air to clear, questions to ask - one of Martha Lynn's favorites, "Is there anything you've been trying to tell me that I'm not hearing?"
This podcast is REALLY worth the listen! You'll want to take notes. Martha Lynn is an incredibly insightful and knowledgeable coach and she has so many great ideas and concrete suggestions for putting 2023 behind us and welcoming in 2024 in a very intentional way. Thank you iGnite and Martha Lynn! Can't wait for the Core Values podcast!!!