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Do More of What Makes You Awesome and Be Awesome!

Writer: neissa@igniteyourlifenow.neissa@igniteyourlifenow.

Point To Ponder: Have you created and committed to your fitness routine yet?

You know what’s awesome?….a routine, rhythm, consistency and YOU! That’s right! You are awesome and together WE are awesome. In addition, one of the things that makes our lives even more awesome is when we prioritize our holistic health and fitness so we can feel our best..which allows us be our best in all areas of our lives.

If you feel like I’ve used the word “awesome” a lot, I have, and it’s intentional.

‘Awesome’ is our focus word and goal because 'awesome' means:

  • inspiring

  • remarkable

  • outstanding

There is a lot of awesome that awaits us and very soon we'll reveal all the awesome. In the meantime, we want you dedicating the next few weeks to creating and committing to your awesome weekly iGnite class routine and then maybe..we’ll throw in an awesome challenge (wink wink). Tip: Aspire for AWESOME! When creating your routine, we encourage you to strive for a minimum of 3 classes each week.

Since we're on the topic of awesome, thanks to YOU and our AWESOME team, October is also iGnite’s 15th birthday month and that means extra AWESOME is ahead.

Finally, and most importantly, we want YOU owning your awesome—which means complete and total acknowledgement of your unique and perfectly equipped vehicle that takes you through your life's journey--better yet known as your temple. It also means to stop selling yourself short and stop undermining your abilities. When striving for awesome, there's no room for self-doubt or excuses. Instead, we encourage you to honor your temple, love your temple, push your temple and max it out! We're not just talking physically, but mentally and spiritually too.

Go For It! Be Bold! Don't Hold Back! Be AwesomeI!

Action Item: Dedicate the next few weeks to creating and committing to your awesome weekly iGnite class routine and then maybe..we’ll throw in an awesome challenge (wink wink). Tip: Aspire for AWESOME! When creating your routine, we encourage you to strive for a minimum of 3 classes each week.


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