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Congratulations to our "Get It Girl" Challenge Slayers + Their Goal Slaying Wisdom

Writer: neissa@igniteyourlifenow.neissa@igniteyourlifenow.

Here's a great big shout-out to our "Get It Girl" 30-Class Goal Slaying Challengers! They not only slayed 30-classes in 7 weeks (despite travel, the flu, excessive work schedules, etc), but they're also sharing some of their challenge/goal slaying sharing and receiving wisdom is one of the ways we continue to learn and grow. Also, if you didn't participate or did participate and fell short of the 30-class goal, fear not! Our annual Merry Health and FITmas Challenge is around the corner and of course, we'll shoot for the moon in 2023!


Suzanne Martinez- San Diego, CA

  • Why did you say "yes"? I’m always up for a challenge! It must be the competitive nature in me. And it’s always fun to shake things up a bit!

  • How do you feel? I feel great! It’s always satisfying to accomplish a goal, and it was nice to do it before the craziness of the holidays kick in.

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I block out the time on my work calendar so no meetings interfere. And I book the classes for the upcoming week in the iGnite app every Sunday. Once I’m committed, then I have no excuse to cancel.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I’m so grateful for Carissa, Rory, and all the other iGnite women! Carissa and Rory make the workouts fun and I enjoy chatting with everyone. I’m always looking forward to going to a class!

Simone Krasan- Austin, TX

  • Why did you say "yes"? When the email about the challenge first came out, I was hesitant and thought “there’s no way I can do that!” And I wasn’t going to sign up. Then dearest Rebecca sent me an email, challenging me and reminded me how much I like challenges. I said yes!

  • How do you feel? I feel really good and I’m so excited! I seriously feel a difference in my body, strength and flexibility.

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I made a plan to exercise 5 days a week. I knew no matter what, I had to get that done to make the challenge. I had to change my mindset and make it a priority and so I didn’t make it an option not go.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I’m thankful for Neissa for creating the challenges as a reminder we can do hard things. And, I’m grateful for Rebecca for thinking about me and giving me that extra nudge! (and call out! 🤣)

Megan Miles- Mandeville, LA

  • Why did you say "yes"? I love challenges to give me something to shoot for.

  • How do you feel? I feel good and I feel proud of myself.

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I honestly don't have this issue. iGnite has become such a solid habit for me that it is automatic. I get thrown when I can't do class. The routine keeps me tethered. I've removed all the hurdles that used to get in my way of working out: having to drive to a gym, parking, finding a spot in class, etc. Since starting iGnite, I wake up and it is incredibly easy for me to be consistent with my workouts now. It takes all the overthinking out of the equation.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? All the wonderful and strong women who are in our At Home classes. It is so inspiring when I hear it is someone's 2nd, 8th, 14th Ignite anniversary. I know they are showing up and it makes me want to keep showing up as well.

Carolyn Meakin- Austin, TX

  • Why did you say "yes"?I said yes because I wanted to challenge myself to workout at least 5 days per week. I did that only ONE of the weeks during the challenge and now have told myself that 5 can be done and I'm going for that goal going forward.

  • How do you feel? I'm most definitely stronger and experience being sore more often. I think I'll add a YOGA recorded class weekly in addition to Amy's in-person YOGA. I need to be opening up my chest and giving my spine a solid stretch more often. My core strength improved significantly over the last 6 weeks! I feel proud of myself for going for it!

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I don't know. I think on the days it was cold, I had the hardest time. I jogged from my house to help me get warm.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? My daughter Ellie understood what I was working toward and got up 15 minutes earlier every day which allowed us to get out the door earlier enough for me to drop her off at school and get to my iGnite class. She benefited because she'd work on school work or read before the bell rang. Win,Win!

Gwen Gibson, Bixby, OK

  • Why did you say "yes"? Because I was at a crisis point where I either had to commit to getting back in shape, or give up and quit iGnite. I chose to commit.

  • How do you feel? I feel SO much better!!

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I reminded myself of how much better I’m feeling, and my clothes are fitting better!? I’m noticing right now that I can see definition in my ankles again!

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I am SO grateful to my husband for his consistent reminders that “we are paying for this, but I’d rather you start exercising than quit.”, and I am SO grateful that there is not a judgmental bone in Neissa’s body, as she encourages me and makes me laugh during workouts!

Anonymous Austin Member

  • Why did you say "yes"? I Love a challenge! Keeps me motivated. I’m sure there were several days without challenge I would not have attended.

  • How do you feel? Received compliment yesterday that I looked fit which made me feel very good.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? All my fellow competitors…

Karla Keahey-San Antonio, TX

  • Why did you say "yes"? I said “yes” because working out “At Home” is SO easy, fun, and convenient for me.

  • How do you feel?I feel great! iGnite’s daily workouts, even for 30 minutes, make me feel healthy and good. Best way to start each day! Completely pain free and that is HUGE!!!!!!

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? On the difficult/hard days, I just knew that working out, moving and stretching my body, breathing the fresh air, and Neissa’s positive attitude and uplifting spirit would completely turn that day around. iGniting always made the day better!!!

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I’m so grateful to God, my husband, my daughters, and my backyard. The 8:30 am workouts have become a part of my daily routine, so it’s no problem getting over the finish line!

Martha Lynn Mangum- Austin, TX

  • Why did you say "yes"? I said yes to the challenge because I love a great challenge and the structure of a competition (even if it’s just with myself) 🤣

  • How do you feel? I feel great as a result of my commitment! There are not enough days for all the iGnite classes I want to take! I did my best to mix it up and take a variety of classes to get a whole body, balanced experience.

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? The structure of the challenge kept me going. With work and travel, I had to plan ahead and be strategic to get my 30 classes in!

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in a challenge with other people! The iGnite leaders are incredible cheerleaders and always lead with encouragement, enthusiasm, and lots of support! 

Meggin Wetherill- Austin, TX

  • Why did you say "yes"? I said "yes" because I like to workout every day.

  • How do you feel? I feel physically stronger and mentally tougher. And, my clothes fit better!

  • How did you keep going when you didn't feel like it or had a conflict? I kept going because I love how I feel after the workout. Healthy and strong! It's also a great example for my kids.

  • In the spirit of gratitude, is there any person or thing you are grateful for that helped you slay the challenge? I am thankful for Neissa and the other women I workout with in the At Home classes.

Additional Challenge Slayers

  • Jamie McCornack

  • Nicole Dunaway

  • Kelly Sampley

  • Marion Forbes

  • Renee Guerrero

  • Mary Torkelson

  • Julie Allen

  • Melissa Morrow

  • Lisa Joseph

  • Talley Williams


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