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Keep Your Summer Healthy & Magical with These Five Simple Habits

Writer's picture: neissa@igniteyourlifenow.neissa@igniteyourlifenow.

Point to Ponder:

Are your free-flowing, unstructured and over-indulgent summer months derailing your healthy habits?

One of the things I love most about the summer is the indulgent break from routine, which includes staying up and sleeping in a later than normal, enjoying cocktails, soaking up extra sun, eating more of what I typically wouldn’t and kicking normal structure to the curb. That being said, when all routine falls by the way side, my body and mind go a little bonkers, so striking the balance between structure and no structure is a delicate dance.

I do believe that deviating from the normal day-to-day routine is healthy for the body, mind and spirit (I mean come on, life is too short to keep things in a tidy box all of the time), however beyond iGniting, I’m flunking in the self-care/healthy diet and routine department. Again, it’s summer so trust me, I will not be attempting to be ridged or eat a perfectly clean, but there are small and simple things I can and need to do each day (and while traveling) to counter the “not-so-great” so that I partaking in. Ultimately, re-starting these simple actions will allow me to stay as healthy as possible and feeling my best while also enjoying the indulgent and spontaneous summer months.

1. Drink 8 oz of Hot Lemon Water Each Day (preferably upon rising)- Man, have I blown this one! I’ve been a regular hot lemon water drinker for almost fifteen years and it definitely works. Here’s why: Lemon are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser. They are packed with vitamins and minerals (which have immune-boosting powers) and are antibacterial and antiviral. Hot lemon water benefits bile formation , which is essential for optimal fat metabolism and helps regenerate the livers. It also promotes the movement in the bowels that keeps waste moving along the digestive tract and out of the body for elimination. (You can drink before bedtime too).

2. Drink 1 TBSP of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar each day (diluted)- Another great habit I’ve dropped- ugh! ACV is known for being “one of nature’s most perfect foods”. ACV breaks down the body’s fat, mucous and phlegm therefore improving the health and function of your liver, bladder and kidneys. It also helps thin the blood, promotes digestion, the assimilation and the elimination processes. It’s helps detoxify the body of harmful elements, improves skin and scalp health, helps sunburns, bug bites, and aids in join pain, weight loss, mouth health and is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

3. Daily Probiotic- This is another imperative habit I’ve participated in for over thirteen years and have recently let slip (and I feel it). Taking a probiotic each day is essential because the large and small intestine normally harbor millions of ‘good and bad’ bacteria. When adding good bacteria (in the form of a probiotic) it helps fight invading organisms detrimental to the body. These ‘good’ bacteria also aid the digestive process and protect the lining of the intestines. They also produce some essential substances such as certain vitamins. Many digestive and other conditions are caused when the ratio of bad to good bacteria gets too high. Probiotics, contain 400 different strains of good bacteria, are prescribed to counteract this imbalance.

4. A Cold Shower (or Dip in Barton Springs in Austin or Pacific Ocean plunge in San Diego)- I have to admit, this has never been part of my routine, but a hot summer is the perfect time to begin. Here’s why: Cold showers boost your immune system. Recent findings from research show that a cold shower releases glutathione- an amino acid that boosts the immune system, rids the body of toxins and fights stress). A cold shower Improves skin by reducing skin inflammation and keeps your hair from becoming brittle. A cold shower also speeds up muscle recovery by reducing inflammation. Finally, a cold shower improves the mood. Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth found cold showers could ward off depression, as a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect.

5. Drink 1/2 Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water Each Day- I realize this isn’t new information and it’s not the first time we've drawn attention to hydration, but drinking one half your body weight in oz. of water each days it’s one of those healthy habits that is easy to make happen and has the greatest positive impact on our body and mind. A well hydrated body has an increased metabolism, better digestion, less toxins (b/c water flushes and cleanses toxins and lactic acid from the body), more energy, less brain fog, less muscle and joint soreness and a lower body temperature. Proper hydration equals better everything!

As you continue to make the most of your spontaneous and unstructured summer months and flow in and out of town, I encourage you to commit to one or more of the healthy habits listed above so that you can experience optional health while you indulge, which keeps the summer months magical. Oh, and of course iGnite when you not traveling and don’t forget about our Summer Burpee Challenge! 25 burpees in 25 days. They can be done anywhere and everywhere! #summeriGniteburpeechallenge


Action Item:

Commit to one or more of the healthy habits listed above so that while you indulge you can experience optional health, energy and feel your best!


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