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Advice & Wisdom From Our Fathers

Point to Ponder:

What is the greatest advice/wisdom/teachings you received from your Father or Father-figure?

Today’s journal is a tribute from the iGnite Team and to our Fathers and Father Figures. It is chalk full of wisdom and love. Thank you Fathers everywhere & Happy Father’s Day!

Alli Phillips- The greatest wisdom I have learned from my dad is effectively expressing your opinion or how you feel, and responding rather than "reacting" to an upsetting situation, usually requires that you delay your response; give yourself time to process, take-in what's going on or what happened and "cool-off", so that you can speak and act with understanding in ways that are thoughtful, helpful, constructive and healthy. So, hold your tongue, listen, process and wait before you speak or respond to something that bothers you.

And, a memorable and impactful quote from my best friend's dad, when we were in high school was, "Girls keep your head up and your gown down"- ha!

Betty Cunningham- My dad taught me so many valuable lessons but there are two things that stand out in my mind. The first lesson is that the biggest investment that you can make is in yourself. Being the father of ten, eight girls and two boys, his mission was to provide the financial means, of course with our assistance, for all of us to attend the college and graduate programs of our choice. With ten children in various levels of education and post graduate education, there were seldom B’s, or Lord help you a C, received as a grade in the class. I remember coming home with all As and a B on my report card and his response was, “Why the B?” I realize that in this day and age, that might be considered a reason to call CPS, but he asked it with such sincerity. It was not a belittling question, but more of bewilderment. “The answers are all there in front of you. You have a teacher and a textbook.” The second lesson my father taught me was to have pride and gratitude for our great country, the USA. My dad was a WWII veteran and a marine pilot. The veterans of WWII are a rare breed. Many of these veterans experienced combat and warfare beyond our comprehension. These veterans had a code of silence and they went about their lives after returning from WWII with dark secrets that they seldom shared. There patriotism is unmatched and my dad truly lived the JFK quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” The fourth of July was a big holiday in our house. My dad lived with integrity, diligence and aged and died with grace. I am grateful to call him my father.

Crystal Tidmore- My dad has always believed in me, told me he was proud of me, and would brag about me to other adults when I could hear. This used to embarrass me and drive me crazy! But now as a parent, I see the value in praising children in front of others because it gives them great confidence to hear their parents say out loud that they are proud of their children. My dad is my biggest fan and still calls me his princess!

Kathleen Parker- My amazing dad who is turning 95 in a couple of weeks has taught me so many life lessons. Probably the most valuable lessons are to participate in life and don't miss anything! Through his actions he taught me to be fearless. He always said that is where the fun is. He still lives that way everyday!

Kaye Eichler- My dad taught me about love for family through his actions. He loved nothing more than just spending time with us. To this day, even at Christmas or his birthday, he insists nothing for him, but seeing and spending time with us.

Neissa Springmann- My dad grew up on a farm and was one of seven children who all worked on the farm from the minute they could walk. As a result of his upbringing and through his actions, he taught me the value of hard work. While growing up my dad wasn't warm and fuzzy, but I never doubted his love for me. He was my coach and always coached me up to do and be my best--most often through tough love. As I've shared before, while growing up he trained me to use two mottos: "I'm as good as the best and better than the rest", which I'd have to repeat if I ever got down on myself during an athletic practice or game. The next was, "I'm mean and tough!". I had to repeat that whenever I was injured and wanted to cry. As I grew up into an adult, he and I developed and much closer relationship and today he's my hero. He's a man of few words, but when he speaks it's simple and wise. His commitment to family is undeniable and admirable. There's nothing he wouldn't do for family, friends or really anyone for that matter. He'd take the shirt off of his back if someone needed it, and he would never say a word about it. And, while he is 70 and a retired school teacher and coach, he is still the hardest working person I know. There's not a day that goes by when he's not building something for someone or climbing onto a roof, crawling under a house or digging something up to fix for someone. His service to others and integrity are second to none and his faith is unwavering. Recently he had a spot on his lip biopsied. When he found out it was benign I asked him if he had worried about it. He simply said, "No. Why would I do that. There's nothing I could've done about it." Hence, he has taught me not to worry and when worry creeps in, focus on faith.

Paula Harnish- My father is a man of few words, but many actions. He can fix anything from cars to household appliances with tools and a little elbow grease. Even if I had an obscure item that malfunctioned—my Dad had the know how to get the job done. Another gift that my Dad instilled in me, was to be careful with money. My Dad worked hard during his working life and had a high work ethic. Being a civil engineer took him to many locations around the world. One example of me taking on his concern of saving money and keeping the planet healthy is that I managed to go seven years without buying ziplock bags. He loves and provides well for my Mum, brother and I. I love my Dad so much for being a strong figure during my childhood, and still to this day.

Rory Smith - One of the things I've learned from my dad is kindness and generosity towards others. Sounds simple but my dad is generous, not only in monetary and gift giving ways, but more importantly, in ways less tangible. He's generous with his time--quick to help others in need. He's generous with his patience (particularly with his kids and grand-kids), teaching us how to play a new game, read a book or learn a sport. But most of all, he's generous with his love for family and friends, always there when we need him. No matter how far away I am, I can always count on my dad.

Sarah Hamilton- Many, many years ago my father said, ”You don’t have to have everything you like.” He wasn’t being mean, rather he was just stating the truth! You can admire things and like them but that doesn’t mean that you have to have them. That has saved me some money! My Father also taught me to be honest. Honesty was important to both of my parents and I am so thankful for that. He also taught me the importance of reading and getting an education. I didn't much appreciate it when I was a child, but now I know how valuable and necessary both are.

Sha Klatt- I am very lucky to have a wonderful father who I enjoy being with immensely. All my life he taught me to be grateful for all that I have, to always have faith in God and a positive attitude, to appreciate the miraculous human body and not take my health for granted, and to be there for family and friends through thick and thin. He is a wonderful role model and I have learned so much watching him live a great, joy filled life. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!


Action Item:

Share the advice and wisdom you have gained from your Father or a Father

figure in your life.


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