When Your On the Move, Quick Workouts are the Way to Go
If there's anything we know to be true, it's that a little exercise can go a long way!...and when you only have ten minutes (because we know the holiday season is a full one), we know you need to get your heart rate up, feel strong and get that good energy and endorphin boost. So, we thought we'd give you some quick workouts..ten minutes in fact, that you can do pretty much do anywhere. We'll be adding adding more for the next three weeks so be sure to check back frequently.
Workout 1: Neissa'a Body Weight Workout on a Step
4 Exercises
10 Right uneven squats with lateral leg raise
10 Tricep Dips
10 Left uneven squats with lateral leg raise
10 Plank knee drivers (10 per leg)
Set your timer for 10 minutes and go through these exercises as many rounds as possible (AMRAP)
Workout 2: Alice's Body Weight Workout in the Kitchen
4 Exercises
10 Counter Top Pushups
10 Releve (tiptoe) Plie
10 Right Leg Lift with Attitude (fire hydrant)
10 Left Leg Lift with Attitude (fire hydrant)
Set your timer for 10 minutes and go through these exercises as many rounds as possible (AMRAP)