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Marketing & Pilates

Fitness Background:


I've always loved dance. It's what I did when I was in high school and what makes me so very happy. Funny enough, dance is also what led me to iGnite. My youngest had just turned 3 and was going to pre-school and my best buddy and I were looking to get back in shape. Specifically we wanted to look like Jennifer Lopez who is the same age as us.


Anyhoo, friend Jamie saw a sandwich board outside the gym where we'd take our kids offering up Zumba. It sounded like a match made in heaven - if Zumba couldn't make us into Jennifer Lopez, well then we just weren't trying. 


The Zumba class happened to be taught by iGnite leader, Betty who mentioned that Zumba was only one of oh-so-many classes offered by iGnite.


So, Jamie and I signed up for the 2 week trial, took as many different classes with as many different instructors as we could cram into those 2 weeks and then (after an epsom salts soak), signed up for the full deal and have not looked back. We just celebrated our 12 year iGnite-versary!

Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering,
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in. 



How I became an iGnite leader:

One of my favorite iGnite classes has always been pilates with Amy. The dancer in me loves the lengthening and stretching that Mr. Pilates so thoughtfully incorporated. Last year after class one day, Amy said - "Maybe you should get certified, here's the program I went through, I think you'd be great!" I'd not really considered that before, but it's been one of the best things I've ever done for myself and the people around me!


My Teaching Philosophy:


I like to consider what I've picked up from all of the amazing iGnite leaders I've learned from over the years. That means, I plan well but am open to spontaneity, and I know what I'm doing but make sure everyone is having fun doing it.  I also like to make really good playlists, and I just love to see how people react to a class! Feedback is awesome!




I'm a unicorn - an Austinite from the 70s. My parents met at UT, so we were destined to be here. Although I moved away, once my husband John and I were ready to get married and start a family, we knew it was going to be in Austin. We've raised three awesome Austinites from scratch and now just have one more to launch.


What's your guilty pleasure?


British TV. I pay way too much for BritBox.


What can you absolutely not live without?


I love my aged earl grey with a bit of sweet cream in the morning when I get home from working out. Could I live without it? Well, I would be grumpy, but yes.

photo jun 07, 11 21 36 am (1).heic

Something People May Not Know About Me:


I can put my foot behind my head - an excellent party trick since college.


The Best Advice I’ve Been Given:


"Listen to your inner voice."


When I’m Not Working I'm…  


As a freelance writer, I love what I do, so it never seems like working. BUT, when I'm not putting words together for others and it's between October and May, I absolutely LOVE to be in my hammock with a good book.

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